Friday, October 16, 2009

glittering rectangles

Dear TV,
you suck!
well not you exactly - what with flat screens and awesome contrast and sound.. the miracle of moving picture - but what you show through you.

its not just the inanity being reinforced and the vulgar being deified, but also countless many little things that is turning my fellow media addicts into little rats/rabbits (depending on your favorite chapter of alice in wonderland); seemingly in coma while in front of your glittering rectangular self.

due to you, my left hand thumb has got a weird disease which makes it go click click in infinite loops on the remote control.

well, in part my fraternity is to blame as well for your demise. but hey, we are earning our bread and trying to be happy while at it. we have right to both. sorry to strangulate you and the viewer in the process though. besides we only give what the viewer wants. its another matter that the viewer doesn't always know what he needs and what all this communication will do to him/her in the long run.

please die. for the greater good. or if you like swimming, we may arrange for a communal TV visarjan event. we would stand on bridges and help you with flight downwards. i will love that. i think you will love it too. how so ever brief, you would know what flying is and what sin you are doing keeping people locked in around you.


1 comment:

AS said...


nice article :D
communal tv visarjan!! hahahaha! lol!!

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